

Pregnanat Woman Pouring Liquid Detergent into Washer

Many are surprised to discover the number of toxic ingredients that can be found in some laundry detergents. 今天’s leading laundry detergents often contain carcinogens, toxins, and other harmful compounds. 我们想要帮助提高你家的安全. 今天, we’re highlighting some of the most common toxins found in laundry detergents:

Scented 洗衣 Detergent Can Emit Hazardous Chemicals

A 华盛顿大学的研究发现 many popular laundry detergents were packed with toxins. Scented laundry detergents were particularly problematic. Many of the chemicals used to create scents in laundry detergents are considered carcinogens.

The report even found scented laundry products spread hazardous chemicals through dryer vents, which could spread toxins throughout your home and surrounding environment.

有香味的洗衣粉可能闻起来很香. 然而, many companies combine hundreds of chemicals to create those scents. You may assume your laundry detergent smells like natural orange or lavender – but it could really be packed with chemicals linked to disease and illness.

Surfactants Could Damage Mucus Membranes and Lungs

许多洗衣粉使用表面活性剂,如 石油馏出物 or 石脑油. These surfactants can boost the cleaning power of laundry detergent. 然而, 它们还会损害粘膜和肺部, 哪些会导致严重的呼吸问题. These surfactants increase inflammation in the 肺, and have even been linked to an increased risk of asthma and cancer.

其他洗衣粉的使用 苯酚 作为表面活性剂. Phenol appears to be even more harmful than 石油馏出物 or 石脑油. 许多人对苯酚过敏. In fact, 苯酚 exposure can cause death in some individuals. 当它接触到你的皮肤, 它可以渗透到你的身体,影响器官, 你的神经系统, 以及其他关键部件.


1,4-dioxane is a known human carcinogen and neurotoxin that is always present in trace amounts when ethoxylated surfactants are used. Ethoxylated surfactants are made by a chemical process where ethylene oxide reacts with other chemicals to create a surfactant. The problem is that this process can create 1,4 -dioxane as a byproduct.

在对老鼠的研究中, 研究人员发现,4-dioxane increases the risk of benign and malignant tumors throughout the body.

1,4-dioxane is never listed on labels because it’s not an intentionally added ingredient, 但是有一些简单的技巧可以避免它. Ethoxylated surfactants usually follow a few naming conventions. 如果成分以" -eth "结尾, such as laureth-6 or sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), Ceteareth或steareth, 这是乙氧基.

Mother and Daughter Using 洗衣 Sheet For Load of 洗衣

Phthalates Are Linked to Endocrine Disruption and Hormone Imbalance

邻苯二甲酸盐使气味持续的时间更长. While many manufacturers now claim their products are phthalate-free, others continue to sneakily use 邻苯二甲酸盐 in their products. Their label simply says “fragrance,” although they include 邻苯二甲酸盐 under this label.

一些研究 have linked 邻苯二甲酸盐 to endocrine disruption, 哪些会影响你的荷尔蒙, 增加患十大彩票网赌平台的风险, 影响生育能力, 还有其他严重的健康问题.

Bleach Is Hidden Under Alternative Names and Could Cause Skin Problems

毫无疑问,漂白剂对人体健康有害. 然而,它经常被用来照亮衣服.

今天, many manufacturers hide bleach behind terms like “sodium hypochlorite,“光学增白剂。,或“紫外线增白剂”.”

No matter what you call it, bleach can be harmful to human health. When bleach hits your skin, it can cause an allergic reaction. 它还会刺激眼睛和肺部.

Nonyl苯酚 Ethoxylates (NPEs) Are Still Found in the United States, But Banned in the EU

在欧盟和加拿大被禁止, nonyl苯酚 ethoxylate (NPEs) are commonly found in American laundry detergents – despite the risk of endocrine disruption, 这会影响荷尔蒙, 生育能力, 整体健康.

研究显示 NPEs negatively impact physical function and fetal development. Children are particularly vulnerable, and NPEs could significantly impact growth and organ function.


Formaldehyde Can Irritate the Skin, Eyes, and Lungs

Formaldehyde is used as a low-cost preservative and antibacterial agent. It’s found in laundry detergents and dishwashing liquid.

Formaldehyde may be an effective antibacterial agent, 但它也会刺激眼睛, 肺, 以及呼吸系统的其他部分. 一些研究 have linked 甲醛 to eczema, while others consider 甲醛 a carcinogen.


The average laundry detergent is packed with harmful toxins and substances. Other harmful ingredients potentially found in your laundry detergent include:

  • 染料
  • 乙酸苄酯
  • 二氯苯(对二氯苯/苯)
  • 硫酸铵
  • 乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)

If you have been exposed to toxins in laundry detergent, then you could experience a range of symptoms – from rashes to low energy.

Some symptoms linked to the toxins in laundry detergents include:

  • 皮肤问题,包括皮疹和发红
  • 头痛
  • 激素干扰
  • 呼吸系统疾病
  • 免疫功能紊乱
  • Nervous system issues, in生育能力, vision loss, organ damage, cancer, and other health problems

整体, exposure to the toxic substances in laundry detergent could increase your risk of serious health problems – from energy problems to cancer.

ECOS Magnolia Lily Liquid Detergent on Top of Dirty 洗衣.

ECOS Is an Eco-Conscious 洗衣 Detergent Made with Safer Ingredients

All ECOS laundry detergents and other laundry products are made with safer ingredients.

ECOS洗衣十大彩票网赌平台不含染料, 甲醛, 1,4二氧六环, 苯甲酸脂类, 磷酸盐, 邻苯二甲酸盐, pearlizers, 还有光学增白剂, 或者其他数百种有害成分. For an extensive guide into how to look for these nasties in your cleaning product, use this 工具.

+, our laundry detergents also have readily biodegradable formulas and feature recyclable packaging.

是否为液体, 包, 或表, you can get the eco-conscious laundry products you need from ECOS today.

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